WPTurbo updates: March 2023

WPTurbo » Blog » Announcements » WPTurbo updates: March 2023

Welcome to a new round of updates for WPTurbo generators. This one was mostly inspired by a thread from Tom Nowell (@Tarendai) in February.

Tom is a Senior Software Engineer from Manchester 🇬🇧 that took the time to review some of our WordPress code generators.

Based on his feedback, we made the following improvements:

  • added whitespace before and after function brackets
  • added type hints and return types to functions
  • added better data type validation for attributes in the shortcode generator
  • updated new style arrays (replaced array() by [])
  • removed irrelevant child theme support

For example, the custom post type generator didn’t need this as this kind of feature belongs to plugins.

The wp-config.php generator received an upgrade too, making it handle debug mode much better. Only valid combinations are now possible.

wp-config debug
If you toggle Debug Log, Enable Debug switch on automatically.

Nonetheless, the biggest feature of this update was inspired by Tom: a “Download as plugin” button.

Before, our generators had a “Download PHP File” button but only developers could use this properly.

The “Download as plugin” button allows users to generate ready-to-install plugins that include their generated snippet. This way, even beginners can make the most of WPTurbo!

Download as plugin button

In addition to Tom’s contributions, Florence from France 🇫🇷 and Melissa from San Diego 🇺🇸 provided excellent feedback that helped improve the Post type, theme.json, Settings page, WooCommerce Add new address fields generators.

WPTurbo is still improving, and the team has more updates in the pipeline. You can follow @wp_turbo to be notified of upcoming releases or register for a free account.

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