How to Get Custom Field Values with Shortcode in WordPress

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Are you looking for a convenient way to retrieve and display custom field values in your WordPress site? With the use of shortcodes, you can easily access and showcase specific custom field data without the need for complex coding. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating and implementing shortcodes that allow you to retrieve and display custom field values effortlessly. Whether you’re a developer or a WordPress user with no coding experience, this guide will provide you with the necessary steps to get started with custom field values and shortcodes in WordPress.

					function wpturbo_get_custom_field_value($atts) {
    $a = shortcode_atts( array(
        'field_name' => '',
        'post_id' => get_the_ID()
    ), $atts );

    $field_value = '';
    if($a['field_name'] && $a['post_id']) {
        $field_value = get_post_meta($a['post_id'], $a['field_name'], true);

    return $field_value;
add_shortcode( 'wpturbo_custom_field', 'wpturbo_get_custom_field_value' );

In this section, we will explain how to create a shortcode in WordPress to retrieve the value of a custom field. The custom field is specified using the shortcode parameter, and the value is returned to be displayed on the page.

To begin, we define a new function called wpturbo_get_custom_field_value() which takes in the shortcode attributes as a parameter.

Within this function, we use the shortcode_atts() function to set default values for the shortcode attributes. In this case, we have two attributes: ‘field_name’ and ‘post_id’. If these attributes are not specified in the shortcode, they will default to an empty string for ‘field_name’ and to the current post ID for ‘post_id’. This allows us to use the shortcode without explicitly setting these attributes.

Next, we initialize a variable called $field_value to an empty string. This variable will store the value of the custom field.

We then check if both the ‘field_name’ and ‘post_id’ attributes have values. If they do, we use the get_post_meta() function to retrieve the value of the custom field. We pass in the ‘post_id’, ‘field_name’, and a third parameter set to true to ensure that only a single value is returned.

Finally, we return the $field_value variable, which contains the value of the custom field.

To make this function available as a shortcode, we need to hook it into the add_shortcode() function. The first parameter of add_shortcode() is the shortcode name, which in this case is ‘wpturbo_custom_field’. The second parameter is the name of the function to be executed when the shortcode is used, ‘wpturbo_get_custom_field_value’.

Once the shortcode is defined and the function is hooked, you can use the shortcode [wpturbo_custom_field field_name="custom_field_name"] in your WordPress posts or pages, specifying the name of the custom field you want to retrieve as the ‘field_name’ attribute.

By using this shortcode, you can easily display the value of a custom field without having to modify the theme files or write custom PHP code.

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