
Home » Hooks » after_switch_theme

The after_switch_theme hook in WordPress is fired once a theme has been activated. This hook is useful for executing code after a new theme has been activated or to perform actions specific to the new theme.

Developers can use this hook to update any data or settings that need to be changed when a new theme is activated. For example, custom post types or taxonomies registered by a theme may need to be re-registered when a new theme is activated.

Here is an example of how the after_switch_theme hook can be used:

function my_theme_activation() {
    // Perform custom actions after the theme has been activated
add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'my_theme_activation' );

In this example, the my_theme_activation function will be executed after the theme has been activated. Developers can replace this function with their own custom code to perform any necessary actions after a new theme has been activated on their WordPress site.

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