
WPTurbo » Functions » get_option

If you’ve ever built a WordPress website, chances are you’ve used the get_option function at some point. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to retrieve a value from the WordPress options table.

The options table is a key-value store that WordPress uses to store global settings for your website. You can use the get_option function to retrieve any of these settings, such as site name, site URL, or custom options that you’ve created.

Here’s an example usage code:

// Retrieve the site name
$site_name = get_option( 'blogname' );

// Retrieve a custom option
$custom_option = get_option( 'my_custom_option' );

In this example, we’re using the get_option function to retrieve the site name and a custom option. The first parameter is the name of the option we want to retrieve. In the first example, we’re retrieving the value of the ‘blogname’ option, which stores the name of our website. In the second example, we’re retrieving a custom option that we’ve created with the name ‘my_custom_option’.

Overall, the get_option function is a simple but powerful tool that allows you to retrieve global settings and custom options from the WordPress options table.

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