How to Display Multiple Custom Field Values in WordPress

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Custom fields in WordPress are a powerful feature that allows you to add additional information to your posts. However, managing multiple custom field values and displaying them correctly in your site can be a bit challenging. This guide is designed to simplify the process for you. In this article, we’ll provide you step-by-step instructions on how to effectively display multiple custom field values on your WordPress website, enhancing both its functionality and appearance.

					function wpturbo_display_custom_fields() {
    global $post;
    $custom_fields = get_post_custom($post->ID);

    foreach ( $custom_fields as $field_key => $field_values ) {
        if ( '_' != substr( $field_key, 0, 1 ) ) {
            echo '<div class="custom-field">';
            echo '<h3>' . $field_key . '</h3>';
            foreach ( $field_values as $key => $value ) {
                echo '<div>' . $value . '</div>';
            echo '</div>';
add_action( 'the_content', 'wpturbo_display_custom_fields' );

The provided code snippet offers the functionality of displaying multiple custom fields in your WordPress post content.

First, a function called wpturbo_display_custom_fields() is defined:

function wpturbo_display_custom_fields() {
    // function content

Within this function, the $post object is called to the global scope to apply operations on it.

global $post;

Next, the function get_post_custom($post->ID) retrieves an associative array of custom fields for the current post ID. This array is stored in the $custom_fields variable:

$custom_fields = get_post_custom($post->ID);

Now, the code iterates through each custom field using a foreach loop:

foreach ( $custom_fields as $field_key => $field_values ) {
    // operations on each custom field

Within this loop, a conditional if statement verifies if the custom field key does not start with _. This is done because WordPress by default adds custom fields with keys starting with _ to store internal information. Thus, checking for _ at the beginning of the field key helps prevent displaying these internal fields:

if ( '_' != substr( $field_key, 0, 1 ) ) {
    // operations on the custom field

For each individual custom field that satisfies the condition, a div element is generated with the class custom-field:

echo '<div class="custom-field">';

Next, the custom field key is displayed within h3 tags:

echo '<h3>' . $field_key . '</h3>';

Another foreach loop iterates over the values of each custom field. These values are displayed within a div:

foreach ( $field_values as $key => $value ) {
    echo '<div>' . $value . '</div>';

To mark the end of each custom field block, a closing div tag is printed:

echo '</div>';

Finally, the function wpturbo_display_custom_fields() is hooked into the the_content action, which lets the custom fields display in the post’s content:

add_action( 'the_content', 'wpturbo_display_custom_fields' );

And that sums up how this code snippet works. It simplifies the display of multiple custom fields in your WordPress posts in a cleaner and more maintainable way.

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