How to Create a Tag Cloud by Category ID in WordPress

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Are you looking to create a visually appealing tag cloud on your WordPress site based on specific categories? Do you want to display tags that are only associated with a particular category? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a tag cloud by category ID and show you how to retrieve tags related to a specific category. By the end, you’ll have a dynamically generated tag cloud that enhances user engagement and navigation on your website. Let’s dive in!

					function wpturbo_create_tag_cloud_by_category_id($category_id) {
    $args = [
        'category' => $category_id,
        'number' => 10, // number of tags to display
        'order' => 'DESC',
        'orderby' => 'count',
        'echo' => false

    $tags = wp_tag_cloud($args);

    return $tags;

Note: In this code snippet, we pass the category ID as a parameter to the `wpturbo_create_tag_cloud_by_category_id` function. Inside the function, we specify the parameters for the `wp_tag_cloud` function, including the `category` parameter to get tags for a specific category, and the `echo` parameter set to false to return the tag cloud as a string. Finally, we return the generated tag cloud.

The code snippet provided allows you to generate a tag cloud based on a specific category ID in WordPress. The function wpturbo_create_tag_cloud_by_category_id() takes the category_id as a parameter.

Inside the function, we create an associative array called $args which holds the parameters for the wp_tag_cloud() function. Here are the parameters used in this code:

  • category: This parameter is set to the $category_id, which determines which category’s tags will be included in the tag cloud.
  • number: This parameter controls the number of tags to display in the tag cloud. In this example, it is set to 10, but you can modify it as per your requirements.
  • order: This parameter specifies the order in which the tags should be displayed. Here, it is set to ‘DESC’ (descending order).
  • orderby: This parameter determines how the tags should be ordered. In this case, they are ordered by the tag’s count.
  • echo: This parameter is set to false, which means the wp_tag_cloud() function will return the tag cloud as a string rather than outputting it directly.

Next, we call the wp_tag_cloud() function and pass the $args array as its parameter. This will generate the tag cloud based on the specified category ID and the other parameters we set.

The generated tag cloud is then stored in the $tags variable.

Finally, we return the value of $tags from the function, allowing you to use the generated tag cloud in your code as needed.

By using this function and providing a category ID as a parameter, you can dynamically create tag clouds for specific categories in your WordPress site.

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