How to Create Dynamic Browser Titles in WordPress

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Have you ever visited a website and noticed that the title of the browser tab changes depending on the page you’re on? This is known as a dynamic browser title, and it can be a great way to enhance the user experience on your WordPress site. In this article, we’ll explore how you can implement a dynamic browser title in WordPress, allowing you to display customized and relevant titles for each page. Whether you’re a web developer or a WordPress user, this guide will help you add this dynamic feature to your website and improve your site’s overall appearance and functionality.

					function wpturbo_dynamic_browser_title( $title ) {
    global $wp;
    $current_url = add_query_arg( $wp->query_string, '', home_url( $wp->request ) );

    $dynamic_title = "";

    // Determine the dynamic title based on the current URL or any other logic
    // ...

    if ( !empty( $dynamic_title ) ) {
        $title .= " | " . $dynamic_title;

    return $title;
add_filter( 'wp_title', 'wpturbo_dynamic_browser_title' );

The code snippet provided allows you to dynamically change the browser title in WordPress. This can be particularly useful when you want to display different titles based on the current page or any other logic you might have.

To begin, we define a function called wpturbo_dynamic_browser_title that takes the current browser title as a parameter. In this case, we use the global variable $wp to access the WordPress object, and then we utilize the add_query_arg function to retrieve the current URL without any query parameters. We concatenate it with home_url($wp->request) to ensure we have the correct base URL.

Next, we declare an empty variable called $dynamic_title to store the dynamic part of the title. This is where you can insert logic to determine what the title should be based on the current URL or any other conditions you might have. You can add conditions, database queries, or any other code necessary to generate the dynamic title.

In the example code, we check if $dynamic_title is not empty. If it isn’t, we concatenate it with the original title using the . operator. We separate the two parts with a pipe | to distinguish the dynamic part from the original title.

Finally, we return the modified title to the WordPress filter by using the return statement. This ensures that the dynamic browser title is outputted correctly.

To implement this functionality, we need to register our function as a filter for the wp_title hook. The add_filter function is used for this purpose, and we pass in the name of our function wpturbo_dynamic_browser_title and the wp_title hook.

By adding this code to your theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin, you can dynamically change the browser title based on your desired logic. Remember to replace the placeholder logic with your own code to generate the dynamic title.

You now have the ability to display dynamic browser titles in WordPress, giving you more control over the user experience on your website.

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