How to Check the PHP Version in WordPress

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Are you unsure which version of PHP is running on your website? Knowing the PHP version is essential for ensuring compatibility with plugins, themes, and maintaining optimal performance. In this article, we will guide you on how to check the PHP version of your WordPress site using various methods, so you can stay up to date and make informed decisions about your web development needs. Let’s dive in!

					function wpturbo_check_php_version() {
    $php_version = phpversion();
    $required_version = '7.3.0';

    if (version_compare($php_version, $required_version, '<')) {
        echo "Your PHP version is not supported. Please upgrade to PHP 7.3.0 or higher.";
    } else {
        echo "Congratulations! Your PHP version meets the minimum requirements.";
add_action('admin_notices', 'wpturbo_check_php_version');

The given code snippet provides a solution for checking the PHP version on a WordPress website. This is a common task for web developers to ensure that the website is running on a compatible PHP version.

The first step in the code is to define a function called wpturbo_check_php_version(). This function will be responsible for performing the PHP version check and displaying the appropriate message on the admin dashboard.

Inside the function, we create two variables: $php_version and $required_version. The $php_version variable stores the current PHP version of the website using the phpversion() function. The $required_version variable is set to the minimum PHP version required, which in this case is '7.3.0'. You can change the required version to whichever version you want to check against.

Next, we use the version_compare() function to compare the current PHP version with the required version. The version_compare() function takes three parameters: the first being the current PHP version, the second being the required version, and the third being the comparison operator. In this case, we use '<' to check if the current PHP version is lower than the required version.

If the PHP version is lower than the required version, the code block inside the if statement will be executed. It will display an error message using the echo statement. The error message informs the user that their PHP version is not supported and instructs them to upgrade to PHP 7.3.0 or higher.

On the other hand, if the PHP version meets the minimum requirements, the code block inside the else statement will be executed. It will display a success message using the echo statement. The success message congratulates the user on having a PHP version that meets the minimum requirements.

The last step is to hook the wpturbo_check_php_version() function into the admin_notices action. This ensures that the PHP version check and the corresponding message are displayed on the admin dashboard whenever WordPress renders its admin notices.

By using this code snippet, you can easily check the PHP version of your WordPress website and inform the users if their version is not compatible with the minimum requirements. This can be helpful to ensure the smooth functioning and security of your WordPress site.

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