How to Highlight Author Comments in WordPress

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As a blogger or website owner, it’s important to engage with your readers and foster a sense of community on your platform. One way to do this is by highlighting comments made by the author of a post. In this article, we’ll show you how to easily highlight author comments in WordPress to help create a more interactive and engaging environment for your readers.

					function WPTurbo_highlight_author_comments( $classes ) {
    global $post, $current_user;
    $author_class = 'comment-author-' . $post->post_author;
    if ( empty( $classes ) )
        return $author_class;
    return $author_class . ' ' . $classes;
add_filter( 'comment_class', 'WPTurbo_highlight_author_comments' );

The purpose of this code snippet is to highlight comments that were left by the author of the post in WordPress. This is useful for creating a visual differentiation between the comments left by the author and those left by other users.

The first part of the code declares a function called WPTurbo_highlight_author_comments. This function takes in a $classes parameter, which will contain any existing classes for the comment.

The next step is to define two global variables – $post and $current_user. $post will hold the current post being viewed in WordPress, while $current_user holds the information about the currently logged in user.

We then create a new variable called $author_class that contains the CSS class that will be used to highlight the author’s comments. This class is created by concatenating the string "comment-author-" with the ID of the post author.

The next step is an if-else statement that checks if the $classes parameter is empty. If it is empty, we return the $author_class variable. If it is not empty, we concatenate $author_class with the existing $classes and return the result.

The final step is to add a filter that hooks the WPTurbo_highlight_author_comments function to the comment_class action in WordPress. This ensures that the function is called whenever WordPress displays the CSS classes for a comment, and the comments left by the post author will be highlighted.

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