How to Change Post/Page Colors by Status in the WordPress Admin Panel

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Are you looking for a way to easily distinguish between draft, pending, published, future, and private posts/pages in your WordPress admin post/page list? One simple solution is to change the background color of each status. In this article, we’ll show you how to change the admin post/page color by status using a few lines of code. With this customization, you’ll be able to quickly identify the status of the post/page and manage your content more efficiently. So let’s dive in!

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Sure, here’s a new title for you: "How to Add Custom CSS Styles to WordPress Admin Based on Post Status". Let’s use this snippet for the article:

add_action( 'admin_head', 'add_custom_status_color');
function add_custom_status_color() {
    global $post;
    if ( empty($post) ) return;

    $status = get_post_status($post->ID);
    $colors = array(
        'publish'       => '#a8e6cf',
        'pending'       => '#fcff00',
        'draft'         => '#f37b7b',
        'future'        => '#f7d7a7',
        'private'       => '#5d6d7e'

    if ( isset($colors[$status]) ) {
        echo '<style>.status-' . $status . ' mark { background-color: ' . $colors[$status] . '; }</style>';

The code uses an action hook called "admin_head" to run a function called "add_custom_status_color" whenever a page in the admin dashboard is loaded.

Inside this function, we first check if there’s a post object available by accessing the global $post variable. If it’s empty, the function returns and doesn’t run any further.

Once we know there’s a post object available, we call the WordPress function get_post_status() to determine the status of the post. We then define an array of color values associated with each post status.

After that, we check if the current post status matches any of the keys in the $colors array. If it does, we use the "echo" function to output custom CSS styles that add a colored background to the post status element in the admin dashboard.

The CSS selector used is "status-{post_status} mark", where {post_status} is the actual status of the post. For example, "status-publish mark" is the selector used for posts that have been published.

Finally, we reference the corresponding color value from the $colors array to apply the right background color to the element.

This approach allows us to customize the look and feel of the WordPress admin based on the post status, which can be helpful when managing large amounts of content. Simply modify the colors array to adjust the colors used for each post status.

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