How to Embed a Facebook Video in WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide

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In this day and age, multimedia content is everything on the internet. One of the most engaging forms of multimedia that website owners use frequently is video. If you’re managing a WordPress site, you’re in luck because WordPress has made it incredibly easy to embed videos from various platforms – including Facebook. In this article, we’ll show you how to embed a Facebook video in WordPress, and take you through the process step-by-step.

					function wpturbo_embed_facebook_video( $content ) {
    global $post;
    if ( has_shortcode( $post->post_content, 'facebook_video' ) ) {
        // Replace [facebook_video] with Facebook video embed code
        $content = str_replace( '[facebook_video]', '<div class="fb-video"><iframe src=""></iframe></div>', $content );
    return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpturbo_embed_facebook_video' );

This code replaces the `[facebook_video]` shortcode in the post content with the Facebook video embed code. To use it, simply replace `VIDEO_ID` with the actual ID of your Facebook video.

The code snippet presented above shows how to embed a Facebook video in WordPress using a shortcode. With this code, you can easily replace a shortcode, [facebook_video], with the Facebook video embed code, and display your video on your WordPress website.

At first, we declare the function wpturbo_embed_facebook_video(). This function uses a conditional statement to check if the post content has the [facebook_video] shortcode. If yes, it replaces it with the Facebook video embed code.

if ( has_shortcode( $post->post_content, 'facebook_video' ) ) {
    // Replace [facebook_video] with Facebook video embed code
    $content = str_replace( '[facebook_video]', '<div class="fb-video"><iframe src=""></iframe></div>', $content );

After that, we replace a shortcode with an iframe HTML element. The iframe element defines the Facebook video URL as a source. The fb-video class is responsible for styling the container in which the video will be displayed.

Let’s see how the above code works. Suppose we have a post containing the [facebook_video] shortcode, which looks like this:

Here is a video from Facebook: [facebook_video]

Upon adding the code snippet to our WordPress website, the shortcode will be replaced with the Facebook video embed code. The above code will now look like this:

Here is a video from Facebook:
<div class="fb-video"><iframe src=""></iframe></div>

Replace VIDEO_ID with the actual ID of your Facebook video before using the code above.

Finally, the add_filter() hook is used to pass the post content through the wpturbo_embed_facebook_video() function. This ensures that whenever the post content is rendered, the shortcode is replaced with the Facebook video embed code.

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