
WPTurbo » Hooks » use_default_gallery_style

The "use_default_gallery_style" hook in WordPress is used to control whether the default gallery style is applied to the galleries inserted into posts or pages. By default, WordPress applies its own CSS styles to the gallery shortcode. However, you can use this hook to override the default behavior and apply your own custom styles to the galleries.

When this hook is used, it allows developers to modify the value that determines whether the default gallery style should be used or not. By default, the value is set to true, which means the default gallery style will be applied. By modifying this value to false, you can disable the default gallery style and apply your own custom styles.

Usage example:

function disable_default_gallery_style( $use_default_gallery_style ) {
    return false;
add_filter( 'use_default_gallery_style', 'disable_default_gallery_style' );

In the above example, we have created a function named "disable_default_gallery_style" which simply returns false. We then use the "add_filter" function to hook our function to the "use_default_gallery_style" filter hook. As a result, the default gallery style will be disabled and you can apply your own custom styles to the galleries.

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WordPress snippets using the use_default_gallery_style hook

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