
Home » Hooks » update_footer

The update_footer hook is a WordPress action hook that can be used to modify the text that appears in the footer of the WordPress admin area. By default, the footer displays the WordPress version number, but this hook allows you to change that text to something custom.

This hook can be used by developers and website owners who want to add a personal touch to their WordPress site or brand. For example, if you want to display a custom copyright notice or a message that highlights your company’s name, you can use this hook to replace the default WordPress footer text.

Here’s an example usage code:

function custom_footer_text() {
    echo '<span id="footer-text">Copyright © 2021 MyCompany. All rights reserved.</span>';
add_action( 'update_footer', 'custom_footer_text', 10 );

In the code snippet above, the custom_footer_text function is registered to the update_footer action hook. The function replaces the default WordPress footer text with a custom copyright notice that includes the name of the website owner’s company. The 10 parameter indicates the priority of the hook, which determines the order in which it will be executed.

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