
Home » Hooks » allow_password_reset

The WordPress hook allow_password_reset is a filter hook that allows developers to control whether or not a user is allowed to reset their password.

By default, WordPress allows users to reset their password using the "Lost your password?" link on the login page. However, in certain situations, you may want to restrict this functionality to enhance security or customize user experience.

The allow_password_reset hook accepts a boolean value that determines whether password reset is allowed for a particular user. By modifying this value, developers can enable or disable the password reset functionality for specific user roles, user types, or any other condition they choose.

Here’s an example usage code demonstrating how you can use the allow_password_reset hook to prevent password reset for a specific user:

function restrict_password_reset_for_user($allow_reset, $user_id) {
    // Check if the user ID matches the user you want to restrict
    if ($user_id === 123) {
        // Set the allow_reset value to false, preventing password reset
        $allow_reset = false;
    return $allow_reset;
add_filter('allow_password_reset', 'restrict_password_reset_for_user', 10, 2);

In this example, the function restrict_password_reset_for_user is hooked into the allow_password_reset filter. It takes two parameters: $allow_reset (the current value of password reset) and $user_id (the ID of the user being checked).

Inside the function, we check if the $user_id matches the ID of the user we want to restrict (in this case, 123). If it does, we set $allow_reset to false, effectively preventing password reset for that user.

Remember to change the 123 to the actual user ID you want to restrict.

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