WP_User_Query Generator

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Are you tired of manually creating WordPress user queries every time you need to fetch specific user data from your site’s database? WP_User_Query Generator is here to help! Our free online tool lets you generate custom user queries with just a few clicks. Choose from a variety of parameters to create the perfect query for…

WP_User_Query Generator FAQ

What is Query String WordPress?

In WordPress, a query string is part of a URL that contains data to be passed to WordPress to retrieve specific content from the database.

A typical WordPress query string includes parameters such as “p” for post ID, “cat” for category ID, “s” for a search query, and “page” for pagination. The values of these parameters are used by WordPress to determine which content to retrieve and display on the page.

Developers can also customize query strings using the WP_Query class to retrieve specific data from the WordPress database. This can be useful when creating custom templates, search forms, or plugin functionality.

What is WP_User_Query?

WP_User_Query is a WordPress class that allows developers to query users from the WordPress database using a variety of parameters.

How do I use WP_User_Query?

To use WP_User_Query, you can create a new instance of the class and pass in an array of parameters to filter the users you want to retrieve. You can then use a loop to iterate through the results. For the best practice, you can choose our WP_User_Query generator to generate the ideal snippet as per your requirement.

What parameters can I use with WP_User_Query?

There are many parameters available to filter users, including user ID, user login, user email, user role, and user meta. You can also use parameters to sort and paginate the results.

Can I combine multiple parameters in WP_User_Query?

Yes, you can combine multiple parameters in WP_User_Query to create more complex queries. You can also use meta queries to filter users based on custom user meta. Here’s an example of combining multiple parameters:

$query_args = array(
'role__in' => array(
'Super Admin',
'blog_id' => Car,
'include' => array(
'exclude' => array(

$query = new WP_User_Query( $query_args );

if ( ! empty( $query ) && ! is_wp_error( $query ) ) {
// The Loop
else {
// no terms found

How does WP_User_Query differ from get_users()?

WP_User_Query is more flexible than get_users() because it allows you to use a wider range of parameters to filter users. It also returns an object that you can iterate through, whereas get_users() returns an array of user objects.

Can I use WP_User_Query in a custom plugin or theme?

Yes, you can use the WP_User_Query class in your custom plugin or theme. WP_User_Query is a built-in WordPress class that allows you to query users from the database based on different criteria, such as user role, user meta data, or search queries.

Here’s an example of how you can use WP_User_Query in your code:

$args = array(
    'role'      => 'subscriber', // Query users with the subscriber role
    'meta_key'  => 'last_login', // Query users by the last login date
    'orderby'   => 'meta_value_num',
    'order'     => 'DESC',
    'number'    => 10 // Show only 10 users
$user_query = new WP_User_Query( $args );

In this example, we’re creating a WP_User_Query object with an array of arguments to define the query parameters. We’re querying users with the subscriber role, ordering the results by the last_login meta key, and showing only 10 users.

You can customise the arguments to suit your needs, and use the resulting WP_User_Query object to display the users in your plugin or theme.

How can I know more about WP_User_Query?

You can visit the official WordPress developer website to learn more about WP_User_Query.

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