WP_Tax_Query Generator

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If you’re struggling to filter and display your WordPress posts by taxonomy terms, look no further than the WP_Tax_Query Generator. This powerful tool allows you to easily create custom taxonomies, specify taxonomy terms to filter by, and display your posts exactly as you want them. With a user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation, the WP_Tax_Query Generator…

WP_Tax_Query Generator FAQ

What is the WP_Tax_Query argument in WordPress?

The WP_Tax_Query argument is used in the WP_Query class to retrieve posts based on the terms assigned to them in a taxonomy. It allows you to specify taxonomy-related conditions for retrieving posts, such as retrieving posts that belong to a specific term or terms, or retrieving posts that belong to a term in a specific taxonomy.

How do I use the WP_Tax_Query argument in a WP_Query?

The WP_Tax_Query argument is an array that is passed as a parameter to the WP_Query class. The array specifies the conditions for the taxonomy query, such as the taxonomy, the field, and the terms. Here’s an example:

$args = array(
    'post_type' => 'post',
    'posts_per_page' => 10,
    'tax_query' => array(
            'taxonomy' => 'category',
            'field' => 'slug',
            'terms' => array( 'news', 'announcements' )
$query = new WP_Query( $args );

What are the different values for the field argument in the WP_Tax_Query argument?

The field argument in the WP_Tax_Query argument specifies the field used to match the terms specified in the terms argument. The possible values are term_id, slug, and name.

Can I use multiple WP_Tax_Query arrays in a single WP_Query?

Yes, you can use multiple WP_Tax_Query arrays in a single WP_Query to specify multiple taxonomy-related conditions. The relation argument is used to specify the relationship between the two taxonomy queries. The possible values for relation are AND and OR.

What is tax_query in WordPress code?

In WordPress, the “tax_query” argument is used to query posts based on taxonomy terms. A taxonomy is a way to categorize and group content in WordPress, such as post categories or tags.

The tax_query argument is used in the WP_Query class to specify a set of taxonomy terms that a post must belong to in order to be returned in the query results. This argument takes an array of arrays, where each inner array defines a set of taxonomy terms that a post must match.

For example, you might use a tax_query to return all posts that belong to a specific category or multiple categories. Or, you might use a tax_query to return all posts that have a specific tag or multiple tags.

The tax_query argument can be very powerful and flexible, allowing you to create complex queries based on taxonomy terms and relationships. With the help of the tax_query argument, you can easily create custom templates and displays for your WordPress content based on taxonomy terms.

What is the main query in WordPress?

The main query in WordPress refers to the primary query that is used to display content on a page or post. This is the query that retrieves the content that is being displayed on the front-end of your website. For example, when you visit a single post on your site, the main query is used to retrieve the content of that specific post.

The main query is automatically generated by WordPress based on the URL of the page being viewed, and it is stored in a global variable called $wp_query. You can use the $wp_query variable to modify the main query or to retrieve information about the posts that are being displayed.

For example, you can use the $wp_query variable to check the number of posts that are being displayed on a page or to retrieve the ID of the current post. You can also use the $wp_query variable to modify the main query, for example, to change the number of posts per page or to exclude certain posts from being displayed.

It’s important to note that modifying the main query can have unintended consequences, so it’s usually recommended to use alternative methods, such as custom queries or query filters, when you need to display content in a different way.

How do I query a custom post type with a custom taxonomy?

You can query a custom post type with a custom taxonomy in WordPress by using the tax_query argument in the WP_Query class. The tax_query argument allows you to retrieve posts based on the terms assigned to them in a taxonomy.

Here’s an example of how you can query a custom post type called to book with a custom taxonomy called genre:

$args = array(
    'post_type' => 'book',
    'posts_per_page' => 5,
    'tax_query' => array(
            'taxonomy' => 'genre',
            'field' => 'slug',
            'terms' => 'fiction'

$query = new WP_Query( $args );

if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
} else {
    // no posts found

In this example, the tax_query argument is an array that specifies the taxonomy and the terms that you want to query. The taxonomy argument specifies the name of the taxonomy (in this case, genre), and the field argument specifies how the terms are stored in the database (in this case, as slugs). The terms argument specifies the terms that you want to retrieve posts for (in this case, fiction).

This query will retrieve all book posts that have been assigned the fiction term in the genre taxonomy. The rest of the code is similar to a standard WP_Query loop, and it is used to display the posts.

Where can I learn more about WP_Tax_Query?

You can visit the official WordPress developer website to learn more about WP_Tax_Query.

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