WordPress Meta box FAQ
A custom meta box in WordPress is a custom area in the post or page editing screen that allows you to add and manage additional information related to a post, page, or custom post type. Meta boxes are created using the add_meta_box() function and can contain a variety of custom fields, such as text fields, checkboxes, drop-down menus, etc.
add_meta_box is a function in WordPress that allows you to add custom meta boxes to the post or page editing screen. It allows you to display custom fields or information related to a post, page, or custom post type in a separate section on the edit screen.
The add_meta_box function is typically added to your theme’s functions.php file or in a plugin and requires several parameters:
$id – a unique ID for the meta box
$title – the title of the meta box
$callback – a function that outputs the content of the meta box
$screen – the type of edit screen where the meta box will be displayed (e.g. “post”, “page”, “custom_post_type“)
$context – the location of the meta box on the screen (e.g. “normal”, “side”, “advanced”)
$priority – the priority of the meta box (e.g. “high”, “low”)
$callback_args – an optional array of arguments passed to the callback function.
The add_meta_box function allows you to create custom meta boxes and add custom fields to your posts, pages, and custom post types, giving you more control over the information and functionality associated with your content.
The best method of adding a meta box to a WordPress post is to use the add_meta_box() function with the add_meta_boxes action hook.
If you build a theme, put the above code in the functions.php file. For a WordPress plugin creation, place the snippet into one of the plugin files.
You’ll also need to create a callback function that outputs the content of your meta box.
Note: Don’t forget to save the data from the meta box using the save_post action.
In WordPress, meta boxes are used to display additional information or fields related to a post, page, or custom post type. They are typically displayed on the post edit screen, on the right or left side of the screen, depending on the theme or the location specified when adding the meta box.
Once you have added a meta box to a post type, it will appear on the post edit screen for that post type, allowing you to add and manage the meta data associated with each post.
Using custom meta boxes in WordPress allows you to add additional information and functionality to your posts, pages, and custom post types, making it easier to manage and organize your content. Custom meta boxes can also help to keep your content separated from the main content, making it easier to modify and update in the future.
You can check the WordPress official documentation to learn more about creating custom meta boxes. Also, the add_meta_box() function reference can be useful to understand how things work.