The WordPress function the_title_attribute()
is used to retrieve the HTML title attribute value for the current post or page title. It can be used within the loop to get the title attribute value for the current post or page. This function is particularly useful for providing accessibility for screen readers, as it retrieves the title of the post or page and uses it as the title attribute for the HTML element.
When the title attribute is set, it appears as a tooltip when the cursor hovers over the link or button. By default, WordPress already sets the title attribute for the links that are generated by the_title()
function. However, if you need to use a custom title attribute value or use the title attribute for other HTML elements, the the_title_attribute()
function comes in handy.
Here is an example usage code for the_title_attribute()
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
This code generates a hyperlink to the post or page and uses the the_title_attribute()
function to retrieve the post or page title and use it as the title attribute for the hyperlink. By doing this, the hyperlink becomes more accessible to screen readers and more user-friendly for visitors.