
WPTurbo » Functions » get_template_part

Function Name: get_template_part

In WordPress, the get_template_part function is a powerful tool that allows developers to include reusable template files within their themes. This function helps in organizing code by separating different sections of the theme into smaller, modular template files.

The get_template_part function takes in two parameters: the first parameter is the slug or the name of the template file, and the second parameter is an optional name or suffix that can be added to the template file.

This function is commonly used in theme development to include template files for headers, footers, sidebars, or any other section of the theme that needs to be repeated across multiple pages. It eliminates the need for duplicating code and makes the theme more maintainable and flexible.

Example Usage: Let’s say you have a theme with a header section that you want to include on multiple pages. Instead of copying the entire header code to each page template, you can create a separate template file called header.php and use the get_template_part function to include it.

// Inside the page template
get_template_part( 'header' );

This code will look for a file named header.php in the theme directory and include its contents in the page template. If you want to add a specific suffix to the file name, such as header-fullwidth.php, you can modify the code like this:

// Inside the page template
get_template_part( 'header', 'fullwidth' );

In this case, the function will include the header-fullwidth.php file if it exists. If the file doesn’t exist, it will fallback to the default header.php file.

By using the get_template_part function, you can easily organize and reuse template files, making your WordPress theme development more efficient and structured.

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