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Function Name: get_query_var

WordPress is a powerful content management system used by millions of people around the world to create and manage websites of all shapes and sizes. One of the most useful features of WordPress is its ability to retrieve information from the current page’s query string. This information is stored in variables called query vars.

The get_query_var function is a WordPress function used to retrieve the value of a specific query variable. It takes one argument – the name of the query variable you want to retrieve – and returns the value of that variable if it exists in the current query.

For example, let’s say you have a custom post type called "books" and you want to retrieve the value of the "author" query variable for a specific book post. You can use the get_query_var function like this:

$author = get_query_var( ‘author’ );

This will retrieve the value of the "author" query variable and store it in the $author variable. You can then use this value in your code to display information about the book’s author.

Overall, the get_query_var function is a useful tool for WordPress developers who need to retrieve information from the current page’s query string.

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