WordPress development tutorials and tips to become a better developer.
How To Enable Webp Uploads In WordPress
Webp is a modern image format that can help you speed up your WordPress website. It can be compressed to save space, and make your website’s size smaller. Other formats such as PNG and JPEG can also be compressed but they can’t be compressed as much as Webp without them losing quality. Even Google recommends…
How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress (Secure Method)
XML-RPC is a WordPress service/api that allows you to connect your website to third-party applications such as the WordPress mobile app. This service allows third-party apps to publish posts to your WordPress website. If you want to write and publish posts to your website from a third-party app, you need this service. This service is…
How To Disable Plugin or Theme Installation In WordPress
Do you want to disallow the installation of themes and plugins on your WordPress website? In this article, I will show you a quick and easy way to do so… I’ll also share with you a way to disallow the deactivation of specific plugins. How To Disable Plugin and Theme Installation For Clients If you…
How To Disable Login Error Messages In WordPress
WordPress gives you hints on the login page to let you know whether you entered a wrong password or a wrong username. Although this can be helpful to your users, it can also allow attackers to guess usernames that are in use. Method 1: Disable Login Error Message If you want to disable the login…
How to Enable SVG Uploads In WordPress
SVGs are disabled by default in WordPress. SVGs (or Scalable Vector Graphics) have one huge advantage over other image formats: They can be scaled up or down without losing their quality. If you scale a PNG or a JPEG beyond their original size, they’ll look stretched out and blurry. This is why a lot of…